We are currently SOLD OUT of honey. The next harvest will be in early July. Please sign up for an email alert or follow on FB or Twitter. TY!

Learn a Little More About Brighton Honey

Brighton Honey is less than two miles from Strong Hospital in Rochester, NY, there are about 500,000 busy bees making honey. Twice a year I go into my backyard and harvest the honey from my hives. I separate the honey from the comb, strain it, and put it into bottles.
My bees are of different types. A few are a Russian mix, known for their hardiness and gentleness, and their rich dark color. Most of the hives are Golden Italians of the variety called Minnesota Hygienic. These bees are also gentle and produce lots of honey. They sometimes don’t make it through cold winters. I have one hive where the Italian Queen mated with a Russian drone and produced a mixed hive. These bees are a little more aggressive, but they are strong and make lots of honey.

106 Norman Rd Brighton, New York 14623-1154
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday17:00 – 19:00
Saturday, Sunday06:00 – 19:00