We are currently SOLD OUT of honey. The next harvest will be in early July. Please sign up for an email alert or follow on FB or Twitter. TY!

Bees in a Box

I checked on the cluster when I got home and they were gone!  I did see that they had started to draw out a bit of comb from the makeshift top. There was a lot of activity around the box but I could not tell if it was just other bees robbing or if the bees actually moved in. I waited for dusk and tried to get a hook around the rope. After several attempts and upsetting many bees I got the box free. It was heavy and again struggling against gravity I got the weight of the box under control. I then hung it about 5 feet below the landing spot of the original swarm. The last I looked there were some stragglers looking for the hive above. The picture is dark and grainy however you can see a few bees guarding the entrance. When I get the bees down after a couple of days I will do a “news-paper” combine and add a feeder.