This is a hard working hive. Very hot and damp, the bees were out working hard today and decided to take a break out on the porch. This is my power hive. This hive swarmed out last year and was queenless so I re-queened it with a Carniolan from a guy in Ohio. You can see the results. I am going to attempt raising queens this year and this will be my breeder queen. Good chance the locusts will be blooming this year and I need to get more supers on the hives.
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It was chilly overcast spring morning when we started. I wanted to get them installed as early in spring as possible to get a full season of sunlight. The next day the sky had cleared and the sun was shining bright on a crisp blue background. I threw the switch on the inverter and powered up the system and the capacitors started to hum.
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