This is a hard working hive. Very hot and damp, the bees were out working hard today and decided to take a break out on the porch. This is my power hive. This hive swarmed out last year and was queenless so I re-queened it with a Carniolan from a guy in Ohio. You can see the results. I am going to attempt raising queens this year and this will be my breeder queen. Good chance the locusts will be blooming this year and I need to get more supers on the hives.
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The maples are in bloom and have opened up yesterday and I am congestion and sneezing. No sign of the basswoods blooming but still a bit early for them. The wild bees are very aggressive and Amy got stung Sunday.
I checked on the cluster when I got home and they were gone! I did see that they had started to draw […]
The 2013 season is at an end and time to start winterizing beehives. One of the hives is crashing. There are perhaps […]
The New Brighton Honey Site Welcome to the new website. This will be the online path for local bee keeping questions […]