Harvested honey today; pulled 3 supers. I have honey bears and cut comb honey in jars. The cut comb honey is in glass mason jars please email me if you want a quote to ship.
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The 2013 season is at an end and time to start winterizing beehives. One of the hives is crashing. There are perhaps […]
The maples are in bloom and have opened up yesterday and I am congestion and sneezing. No sign of the basswoods blooming but still a bit early for them. The wild bees are very aggressive and Amy got stung Sunday.
Worked another extraction this weekend for a local building management company and every time I am on one I learn to be a bit more efficient and wanted to share my list. If there is the opportunity to make a small hole first when starting and extraction this is ideal. So the trick is to annoy the aggressive bees and get them out a small hole and grab them with the vacuum right away. This time around I broke through the drywall with a small hole and kept banging on the ceiling to annoy them. I then opened a hole about 6 inches square. This really helped as the aggressive bees rushed the opening and right into the vacuum. I did get stung on the finger once but was when lifting out some comb and I pinned the bee between my finger and some comb.
I came home yesterday evening and there was a swarm about 25 feet up in the Ash tree. I moved the truck […]